Panel visible from the window > styles > paragraph styles menu . Paragraph styles panel - how to layout a book in indesign next, we click on the + button to create the new style. By default, the style created with the name paragraph style 1 will appear. It is highly recommended to change that name to another that is more recognizable. For example, we can name it text body . To change the name we just have to click on the name to write the one we deem appropriate. To finish we just have to select the text and click on the style to apply it. If after applying the initial style settings you forgot any parameters, don't worry.
To edit the style you just have to double click on the style and the following window will appear with the paragraph style options : paragraph style options Industry Email List window - how to layout a book in indesign in this section we have created a paragraph style as an example, but the operation is exactly the same to create character styles. 6. Place images to finish the process we cannot forget about inserting images. To place an image in indesign, simply go to the file > place menu, select the image on your computer and click open.
This would be the basic operation, but if we want to do it well, we have to make the images flow with the text. Thus, every time we add a page or make a change to the text we do not have to stop to place the images in the right place again. For that reason, we only have to select the text tool, add a space with the enter key and from there we are going to place the image. The result will be the following: example image placed in indesign by default the image will be placed aligned to the left, but we can select it with the text tool and center it as if it were a text.